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Fluz Referral Incentives

Your Guide to Earning Beyond Cashback by Sharing Fluz

To download a printable PDF of our Referral Rewards, click here


Life on Fluz. Just like real life but more rewarding.

Welcome to cashback on tap. Where you can earn a minimum of 1.5% cashback on everything, up to 10% at the retail biggies, and 25% to 50% at special moments. 

Fluz is the collaborative earnings app that rewards you for your everyday purchases, all with no minimum spends, minimum balance, or limits on earnings. It’s where having friends pay, literally, as you’re rewarded for helping your friends (and their friends) make smarter financial choices. All with no commitment, no monthly/annual fees, or any interest. This is Fluz: cashback from every direction and every connection.

Most people live in a world where cashback and rewards programs are exclusive: if you don’t have a top credit score and $500 a year for fees and minimum spends, you ain’t getting those sweet high-end rewards. Things are a lot more fun with Fluz. In our world, everyone gets premium quality rewards, without the monthly or annual fees. We beat the average 1% cashback from exclusive rewards cards with at least 1.5% on everything, too. Grow your cash balance just by spending — all without a credit check in sight.

Maxin’, relaxin’

Once you’ve got going with Fluz, you’ll want to bring others along with you. Because the wider your Fluz network, the more rewards you’ll get for helping others max their money. That’s the power of our extended networks. This guide will help you use the full potential of Fluz to maximize your money through bonuses, rewards, and Fluz Referral Royalties.

No trippin’

Now, here’s the best part about making money with friends on Fluz. You don’t need to sell them a thing. No random protein shakes or lipsticks. Just collaborative earning from being part of each other’s network. Plus, it won’t cost you or them a thing. No sneaky hidden fees to catch you out – ever.


Important terms used in our Referral Rewards programs.

1-time Card: A single-use, virtual Mastercard generated securely in your Fluz app that works exactly like a debit card. Use your 1-time cards to shop at most online stores or wherever Mastercard is accepted. Set your own spending limit on each card. Just remember that card number is valid for 24 hours for security. It can only be used once, so if the number is stolen or compromised after your transaction, you are totally protected.

Autofill: The automated placement of Fluz members into your network to help you build your network — and your earnings — even faster. Autofill members come to Fluz without being referred.

Cashback: The money deposited into your Fluz balance when you make a purchase using Fluz. The cashback rate for each store is visible in Fluz at the time of your purchase.  The total cashback amount you earn is the rate multiplied times the value of the transaction.

​​Degree: How Fluz connects its members by referral relationships. Each member has two slots on their first degree, four on their second, and so forth up to the fifth degree with 32 members. Once each member on a degree has two (2) members below them, the degree is considered complete and another degree is added. With Fluz, eligible members earn a percentage of the transactions members in their network make, all at the same rate. 

Fluz Global Network: The collective network of all Fluz members.

Fluz Member: Someone who has created an account in the Fluz app.

Qualified Account: A Fluz member is considered a qualified account if they have spent at least $15 in Fluz.

Active Account: A Fluz member must have a qualified account and spend at least $10 in transaction volume or invite a new member over a rolling six (6) calendar month period to maintain a valid or active account.

Royalties Eligible Account: A Fluz member who has achieved the MAX 100 royalty level in a given month by spending at least $15 in a month is eligible to earn royalties. 

Fluz Party: A savings event in which members save more together. When the number of members shopping in a Fluz Party increases, the cashback rate increases. For example, a Fluz Party may offer a minimum of 15% cashback at a specific merchant. Everybody saves at least 15% when they shop. If the total amount purchased by members reaches the party goal, then everybody—even those who already completed their purchase—get 30% cash back. 

Personal Referrals: Friends you’ve referred to Fluz. The members in your referral network that you personally invited to join Fluz. These are your direct invites.

Indirect Referrals: Friends of friends. The members in your referral network that your friends invited. These are your indirect invites, which can also include autofilled members.

Inviter: The Fluz member who has invited another member to join Fluz in their network.

Royalty Level: A status attained each month by a Fluz member, based on the following:

Monthly Usage Qualification: Just spend $15 per month on Fluz merchants to qualify to earn Royalties in that month. 

Lifetime Qualified Personal Referrals: The count of new members referred who have become qualified over the referring member’s entire lifetime with Fluz.

Locked Royalties: The difference between ALL of the royalties generated by your networks’ purchases in a given month and what you’ve qualified to earn. To unlock the earnings, you simply achieve a higher royalty level by inviting qualified new members. For example, if your network has 350 transactions for the month but you are a MAX 100 member, you are eligible to earn royalties on up to 100 transactions only. In this example, 250 transactions will be “locked” until you reach a higher royalty level. 

Money Maxers: The people in our community. These are Fluz members who love taking their money further and living life on max.

Network: A Fluz member’s referral network. It is built using the 2×5 forced matrix structure. It can be made up of 63 members (including you) spread out across five degrees. Once you complete your network with 63 members, you just need to refer a new member to get another network to fill in. You’ll never run out of spots for new referrals if you continue to personally refer new members. Fluz sorts all this out behind the scenes. You do not have to take any action other than inviting people to join Fluz.

Network Shuffling: The movement of the members in your network when one becomes inactive. When a member in your network is no longer active, they will be removed from the network. This will create an empty spot in which a new member can be placed. This helps keep your network active and increases your royalties by removing accounts that do not contribute to your earnings.

Purchaser: A Fluz member or network member who has purchased from a Fluz merchant partner in the Fluz app. A purchase is what creates cashback rewards and referral incentives.

Qualified Personal Referral: An individual who received and accepted an invite from a Fluz member, and successfully completed the requirements to have a qualified account: at least a $15 spend in the Fluz app. 

Invite Bonus: The bonus paid to the inviter (the person who invited the new member) when a new member becomes qualified by spending at least $15 in the app. 

Royalties: The rewards paid to Fluz members on 
every purchase a member in their network makes, provided the Fluz member is eligible to earn them.

Spot: The space or slot for members in a referral network. There are sixty-three (63) spots in one network.

Stacking: Layering different rewards (gift cards, discount codes, coupons, multiple savings platforms etc.) to get more money off a purchase.

Standard gift card retailers: The stores featured on the app where 
 you can get up to 25% cashback on a  single transaction.

Store: A business accepting Fluz as a payment method, either in-store or online. Also referred to as merchants.

Transaction Volume: The total amount in US Dollars including tax and fees paid to merchants or stores for goods and services on the Fluz network.


It’s bonus time, baby

There’s no limit to how many referral bonuses you can get because there’s no limit on how many new members you can refer to Fluz. Whether you’re inviting friends from the neighborhood or promoting Fluz through the content you share on social media, you’re rewarded for your social influence.

$5 Invite Bonus

Everyone you invite has the potential to net you a $5 referral bonus, but specific conditions need to be met. The new Fluz member you refer needs to be qualified. What does that mean? Your referred Member must spend at least $15 in Fluz to count as qualified.

Here’s a breakdown:

You Invite Your Friend

  • Share your referral link found in the Fluz App.
  • You can share via text, social platforms, and add the link to your bio or link sharing site.
  • You can also use your Refer code – your friend can enter it at registration to make sure you get credit.

Your Friend Uses Fluz

  • After your friend gets your invitation, they can start earning cashback right away.
  • After they add a payment method, all they have to do is spend $15 with any store in the Fluz app.

You earn $5

  • When your friend qualifies, a $5 reward will be added to your Fluz balance, and you’ll be notified.

$5 Account Setup Bonus

Everyone’s a winner with Fluz. Tell your friends that new members get $5 just for setting up their Fluz account. You get $5 when you invite; they get $5 when they set up their account. You both earn together. Pretty nice, right?

New members can earn their $5 bonus in just a few minutes. Here’s what they need to do:

Setup Item Description
Link at least one bank account Link and verify the preferred ACH or debit card account to the app.  
Activate push notifications Allow notifications from the Fluz app for the latest promos, new features, and network updates. 
Add birthdate Adding a birthdate helps Fluz with account verification.
Activate the “Building Credit” feature Tell us if you want Fluz to report positive news to credit bureaus when you make purchases.  There is no hard inquiry or negative impact to your credit for using this feature, but it’s not required to get your $5 bonus.
Learn about the benefits Learn from short videos about how to use and make the most of Fluz


The bigger your network, the fatter your income.

Fluz doesn’t put a ceiling on your earning potential. There’s no cap on how big your network can grow, or how many people you can invite. As long as you’re active, you’ll earn royalties with everyone as they earn cashback. We’ve set you up to grow – a side gig with us feels fun and easy.

When you refer new Fluz members, and they refer new members, too, you develop a network of connections. We call each connection between members in the Fluz community a “degree of connection.” You earn a royalty — a percentage of the cashback reward — for each transaction made in your network. This happens for everyone in your network, up to five (5) degrees of connection. As long as the members in your network make purchases with Fluz, the royalties keep coming.

Three ways to build your network: 

  • Friends: Personally invite friends to join Fluz. The best way to get more friends in your network and earn more money through royalties and other bonuses is just by telling people about Fluz and sending your referral link.
  • Friends of friends: Encourage your friends to invite their friends. Anyone they invite will also be part of your network. Making money from the people you know (and don’t know) is part of Fluz’s magic.
  • Autofill: This is the easiest way of all, because you don’t have to do anything. New Fluz members who just signed up without being referred by another member can be randomly placed into your network. The number of autofill members placed varies and depends on how many sign up directly with Fluz.

Everybody you personally refer goes into your network, and everybody in your network earns you the same royalty rate. They earn cashback. You earn a royalty for helping them take their money further. Everybody wins.

Royalty levels 

The more you use Fluz and the more you refer, the more transactions in your network become available for you to earn on. Royalties are paid based on the amount of your transactions and the number of your personal referrals. These factors determine your royalty level. 

The number of transactions from your network you can earn royalties from depends on two (2) factors:

  • Monthly Usage Qualification: This is how much you use Fluz for your everyday purchases in a particular month.
  • Lifetime Qualified Personal Referrals: This is the number of  qualified members* you’ve referred since you joined Fluz.

To qualify for a given Royalty Level, all you have to do is spend at least $15 in the Fluz App and accumulate Lifetime Qualified Referrals. 

Royalty Level  MAX 100 MAX 250 MAX 1K MAX 5K MAX 20K MAX 50K MAX 100K
Meet or Exceed the Monthly Usage Qualification Spend at least $15 in the Fluz App each month.
Accumulate Lifetime Qualified Personal Referrals 0 1 5 10 15 25 50

*Member must qualify by spending at least $15 in the Fluz App. The new member counts toward your qualification in the month they qualify (not necessarily the same as the date they join).


Your situation

  • You’ve spent $35 with Fluz merchants this month.
  • You’ve referred 14 Qualified members since you set up your Fluz account, one of which was this month.

Your Royalty Level

  • You qualify for MAX 5K


  • You spent more than $15, so you qualify for Royalties this month.
  • Your 14 Lifetime Qualified Referrals make you a MAX 5K because you do not yet have 15 Referrals to qualify for MAX 20K.

Maximize royalties

Each royalty level unlocks more transactions you can earn from. The benefit of reaching a higher royalty level is earning on more and more transactions from your referral network. When you reach the highest level, you can earn royalties from up to 100,000 transactions in your network. When you have 100,000 transactions, even a few cents on each can add up to thousands of dollars every month.

Keep in mind that eligible transactions are on a first-processed, first-earned basis. You earn from a transaction based on the order in which it’s completed and processed, up to the number of eligible transactions.

Royalty Level MAX 100 MAX 250 MAX 1K MAX 5K MAX 20K MAX 50K MAX 100K
Eligible Transactions From your Network 100 250 1,000 5,000 20,000 50,000 100,000

Ultimately, the amount earned in royalties will depend on your royalty level, network size, and Fluz usage.

  • Maintain your royalty level by actively referring to unlock the most transactions from your network, and by using Fluz for everyday shopping.
  • Grow your network size by referring new members and encouraging your network to do the same.
  • Encourage Fluz usage by highlighting incredible deals, new merchants, challenges, and in-app experiences as well as inviting members to Fluz Parties.

You will be paid on the first of the following month based on how many transactions your network had and what you were eligible to earn.

Earn When Your Network Pays With Fluz

Every time someone in your network earns cashback from a purchase, Fluz sets aside royalties for up to five (5) members in the network. The potential royalty amount for each of the five people is the same. For example, let’s say someone in your Fluz network sees an offer in the app stating, “Get up to 10% cashback” and buys something from that store. When that transaction happens, each of the five members in the network (including you) shares a total of 1.5% of the transaction. That works out to 0.3% each. That’s how friends help each other earn together.

Let’s look at an example:

You referred to Tony and you’re MAX 1K.

Tony spends $350 with Fluz at the supermarket, gas station, and drug store.

Because you’re eligible to earn 0.3% royalties from these transactions, Fluz will pay you a total of $1.05 (because $350 x 0.3% = $1.05).

Now say you have 100 friends (and friends of friends) like Tony — now you have the potential to earn $105 in royalties from a network of 100 active members. Pretty sweet, right?

You can earn even more in royalties when someone in your network uses 1-time cards or pays at an exempt gift card retailer. When members use a Fluz 1-time card, they get at least 1.5% cashback, anywhere Mastercard is accepted.

When a friend spends using the 1-time card, the five (5) members connected to them in the network share a total of 0.25% cashback as their earnings from the purchase or 0.05% each. The cashback is immediate and higher than the everyday spend offered by most cashback rewards cards.

To qualify for the best cashback rates, encourage people in your network to use their Fluz balance or bank account. When you pay this way, you get more from every purchase. Just remember that peer-to-peer payments and balance top-ups will not generate any royalties.

There’s a limited number of cashback stores that set aside 0.25% of the transaction for royalties. To see this list, go to our help center and search for “exempt merchants.”

Invite Challenges

Nothing feels as good as winning on top of winning. With Fluz, not only do you get royalties from other people’s purchases in your network, you can also get a bonus when you accumulate lifetime qualified referrals. It’s easy – every qualified referral adds to your total for Challenges starting in October 2023.

Just refer to the Maximize tab in your Fluz App to track your progress. You start earning cash bonuses with just 5 total referrals, and you keep earning up to 2,500 referrals.
You can earn a total of $35,000 in bonuses when you accumulate Invite Challenge payouts and $5 Invite Bonuses. That’s on top of the Royalties you earn when the Members you’ve referred (and their referrals and so on) spend in Fluz.


If they’re active, you’re earning.

Active Fluz members in your network help you earn through royalties on their purchases. So what happens if someone in your network stops using Fluz? As soon as a member in your network becomes inactive by not spending at least $10 or by not inviting a new member within six (6) months from their last activity, we remove them from your network. The empty spot may be replaced by another member through autofill, by inviting a friend, or when a friend invites another friend. This keeps your network more productive and supports higher royalties for you.

If a member that went inactive returns to activity, they will be back in your network – just not in the same spot as before. They’ll still be connected to you and you’ll still earn royalties when they come back.

Only the inactive members in your network will be shuffled out; their referrals will stay in the same spot in your network.

Keep your referral network 

The only thing you need to do to keep your referral network is to maintain an active account. How do you do that? It’s simple: just spend at least $10 in personal transaction volume or invite a new member in the prior rolling six (6) calendar months. Every time you meet the requirements, your account’s timeframe will be reset.

If you do happen to go inactive, you won’t have access to your referral royalties. But you can still earn cashback from your own purchases, earn the $5 Referral Bonus, and reactivate any time. However, if you do reactivate, you will lose the network of referrals you’ve developed. Staying active by using Fluz at least every few months will be important to ensuring you keep earning royalties.

Let’s sum it up

To make the most of royalties, be sure to spend at least $15 a month on everyday purchases in Fluz. This will make you a MAX 100 member, and it will unlock at least 100 transactions for you to earn from.

If you miss a month, there’s no need to panic, as long as you have spent $25 every rolling 6 months, you’ll keep the network you developed, and you can earn royalties in any month you reach MAX 100 royalty level or higher.


Earn with challenges

On top of all the earnings for referring and royalties, you can earn even more cashback through spend-based challenges along the way. These challenges unlock Fluz Boosts that give you 25% cashback with select stores. Each boost may be applied to a transaction to unlock 25% cashback. Boosts expire in sixty (60) days and boosts apply to the first $10 in spend. The maximum value of a Boost is $2.50. For any purchase over $10, the regular cashback rate will apply to the difference between the transaction total and $10.


Purchase Streak

Using Fluz pays cashback with every transaction – and the more transactions you make, the more boosts you earn to, well, boost your cashback.

Challenge Reward
First 10 Purchases 1 Boost
First 25 Purchases 3 Boost
First 50 Purchases 5 Boost
First 100 Purchases 10 Boost

These milestones are cumulative. For example, if you make 10 purchases, the next milestone (First 25 Purchases) is achieved with just 15 more purchases.

The Purchase Streak Challenge is available to every member. It begins when you join Fluz and may be earned once per member. Each purchase must be at least $10 to count towards the challenge. 

Brand Boss

Everybody has a go-to favorite store, but when you shop more brands, you earn more boosts. With hundreds of brands to choose from, unlocking these boosts is a snap.

Just like the Purchase Streak, these milestones are cumulative. For example, if you shop 5 brands, the next milestone (First 10 Brands) is achieved with just 5 more unique brands.

The Brand Boss Challenge is available to every member and may be earned once per member. Each purchase must be at least $10 to count towards a purchase for a brand. 


Challenge Reward
First 5 Brands 1 Boost
First 10 Brands 2 Boost
First 25 Brands 3 Boost
First 50 Brands 5 Boost


Learn the ins and outs of the behind the scenes magic that makes it all work. For those who want to know how the “sausage is made,” this page has it all. 

How a Fluz personal network builds

At Fluz, everyone has the power to invite as many people as they can. Once you complete setting up your account, you can start referring and building your network. We use a unique approach to network building that stays true to our mission of rewarding people for helping their friends make smart purchases.

Objectives of this structure:

  1. You get credit for everybody you invite.
  2. Everybody in your network contributes to your royalties at the same rate.
  3. You can grow your network indefinitely as long as you keep inviting.

The referral network structure is a unique two (2) legs and five (5) degrees model, where each member has two (2) available spots immediate to them up until five (5) degrees. A full network has sixty-three (63) members, including you. It will allow you to earn from the sixty-two (62) other members. But it doesn’t stop there.

Once each member’s two (2) spots are filled, the system will place any new member in the next available slot.

A new network may open once all spots are filled, giving you the chance to have multiple networks. This will allow you to earn more through Fluz Referral Royalties and other bonuses. It all happens behind the scenes, so just know that you’ll get credit for everybody you refer and you’ll never run out of space if you refer new members.

  You  First Degree Second Degree Third Degree Fourth Degree Fifth Degree
Members per degree 1 2 4 8 16 32
Total Members in your Network 1 3 7 15 31 63

All your earnings from your network are at a flat rate. A member’s placement in your network will not affect how much you earn from their purchases. You will earn the same amount from a purchase, whether the member is in the first or fifth degree.

Building multiple networks

You have the power to earn more with an unlimited number of networks. Once your first network is full, simply refer a new member to get a new one. And another one after that.

When a new network is created, new invitations will go to that network. If there are 
any open slots in previous networks, those will be filled before any invitations go to the additional networks.

New networks work the same way as your first and original network. The only difference is that your succeeding networks will give you more chances of earning royalties.

Unlocking Royalties

Your earnings in the Fluz app, throughout each month, will show up as either “pending” 
or “locked.”

Pending Royalties: These are royalties from transactions you are eligible to earn on based on your royalty level. They are “pending” because they will be paid out on the first of the following month.

Locked Royalties:These are Royalties that you are NOT yet eligible to earn. You have more transactions in your Network than your Royalty Level allows you to earn from.

To unlock Royalties, you must advance your Royalty Level. Each membership level has a set amount of transactions that you can earn from—the higher the Royalty Level, the more transactions you are eligible to earn from.

Let’s look at an example:

Your network has generated a total of 1,500 transactions. Each transaction is worth an 
average of $0.10 in Royalties. This means you could make up to $150 from the transactions in your network.

15th of month

  • You’re a MAX 100 Member.
  • You can be paid on up to 100 transactions, but there are still 1,400 more to be unlocked.
  • Your pending earnings balance will show $10 for the 100 transactions you are eligible for.
  • Your locked earnings balance will show $140 for the 1,400 transactions you’re not eligible for.

16th of month

  • Congratulations! You advanced to MAX 1K by purchasing with Fluz.
  • You can now be paid on up to 1,000 transactions, but 500 are still locked.
  • Your pending earnings balance will show $100 for the 1,000 transactions you’re eligible for.
  • Your locked earnings balance will show $50 for the 500 you’re not eligible for.

The requirements for unlocked earnings are reset on the first of each calendar month, because you must earn a royalty level for each calendar month.

Adjustments & refunds

From time to time, transactions in your network may be canceled, blocked for security reasons, or refunded.

When transactions in your network are canceled or refunded, it will reduce your transaction count and/or transaction volume. This may impact your royalty level, challenge progress, royalty payout, and any other incentives or bonuses. We highly recommend exceeding the minimum requirements for each royalty level in event of any canceled transactions.

If one of your referrals’ accounts must be closed due to policy or security concerns, that may also impact your qualification for incentives.

Withdrawing your earnings

The best thing about Fluz is that you earn real rewards and real money. As soon as you earn a total of $16 through cashback rewards, special bonuses, and referral royalties, you can cash it out. Send your money to your bank account, PayPal, Venmo, or a friend on the Fluz app.

In the mood to shop? Buy a gift card or a prepaid card with your earnings straight from the Fluz app.

Important Notes:  

  • All earnings are subject to review. Any attempt to game, manipulate, or maximize a program through deceptive or unethical conduct may result in withholding of payment, deduction of prior payments from future earnings, or require a member to repay earnings. Please refer to the Member Agreement for additional details.
  • Any examples shown in this document 
are hypothetical. Your results will vary from these examples based on your own personal circumstances, your use of Fluz, your referral activity, the size of your network, and the activity within 
your network.
  • When discussing potential earnings with prospective or current members, please do not guarantee a level of income or provide personal testimonials. Please use official Fluz-produced literature and assets.
  • Fluz will prepare a typical earnings statement for members each year once data is available. This will be located in the Fine Print section of our website. It will show how much typical members earned from Fluz’s referral incentive programs, including those with no purchase or referral activity.