We always keep actual user data private. The examples above are hypothetical and for illustrative purposes only.
If you are approved for a credit card using the link above, Fluz may be compensated.
Earn big by bringing in friends, relatives or heck, even your employees to get an incredible rate you won’t find anywhere else. Yes, when you pool your buying power everyone wins with more cashback and much higher rates.
Don’t worry, we keep it simple.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
For example, say you normally get 4% cashback, but you can earn an exclusive rate of 10% when you spend at least $1,000.00 by the end of the week. Here’s how that works:
Throughout the week, you’ll earn the normal rate instantly. In other words, you’ll earn 4% cashback with every purchase you make before the end of the exclusive rate period.
You have until the end of the week to reach the collective spend goal of $1,000.00 between everyone invited to the exclusive rate.
Say you reached the spend bonus of $1,000.00 at the end of the week. In addition to the $40.00 you earned at the normal rate, you’ll be given an additional $60.00 to earn 10% in total cashback.
Throughout the week, you’ll earn the normal rate instantly. In other words, you’ll earn 4% cashback with every purchase you make before the end of the exclusive rate period.
You have until the end of the week to reach the collective spend goal of $1,000.00 between everyone invited to the exclusive rate.
Say you reached the spend bonus of $1,000.00 at the end of the week. In addition to the $40.00 you earned at the normal rate, you’ll be given an additional $60.00 to earn 10% in total cashback.
See how others have earned.
We always keep actual user data private. The examples above are hypothetical and for illustrative purposes only.
If you are approved for a credit card using the link above, Fluz may be compensated.
When you earn better rates with Fluz, you’ll never get hit with fees.
See how others have earned.
We always keep actual user data private. The examples above are hypothetical and for illustrative purposes only.
If you are approved for a credit card using the link above, Fluz may be compensated.
When you earn better rates with Fluz, you’ll never get hit with fees.
Together, we'll find a rate to maximize your money.
You might not see it on your dashboard because you don’t have one yet! Get in touch with your sidekick to learn more about it.
Each exclusive rate has different specified cashback rates. The ER first starts with an “instant” cashback rate; once a user or group purchases and reaches a collective spend goal, the cashback rate increases. If the collective spend goal is achieved, the higher cashback rate then applies to all purchases made during the party and the earnings are credited once the exclusive rate ends.
You will only be able to see the full cashback rate in your Fluz wallet once the exclusive rate ends, given that the collective spend goal was met.
You will only get the exclusive rate if you purchase through the exclusive rate section of the Power Portal. If you purchase through the mobile app or directly on the merchant page then it will not count towards your spend goal.
Instant rates vary depending on the payment method.
Just ask us about any merchant you see in the catalog. We will tell you the spend thresholds and the corresponding rates.
We will need to know the merchant and the list of friends.
You will need to complete this form to Vouch for your friend. Then they will be added to your exclusive rate. They also have to use Fluz to purchase and we can create a group for you!
It can be set up as either a one time thing that will expire within a month or something that resets every month.
© 2025 Fluz Fluz, LLC.
Fluz is a financial technology company, not a bank. Banking services provided by partner banks, members FDIC.